CH'IMERA 01.02

From Chapter 4 of Chi Kung:

"It is well established and heavily documented throughout the history of the world that certain people have highly developed psychic and paranormal abilities. For children these are legends, myths, fairy stories, comic books and movies. For adults, they are the seers, sages, shamans, saints and medicine men and women. There are people who can do things for which there is no obvious explanation within our currently accepted laws of physics and science. This is the paranormal, beyond the normal, beyond the usually accepted abilites. Such people are able to do things which have no explanation. They have clairvoyance. They can foretell the future. They can heal at a distance."

With noun replacements from Chapter 4 of Structures:

It is well established and heavily documented throughout the concept of the strength that certain stiffnesses have highly developed psychic and paranormal numbers. For mathematicians these are techniques, systems, dimensions, methods and behaviours. For shapes, they are the structures, loads, centuries, elasticians and French men and elasticities. There are temperaments who can do encouragements for which there is no obvious research within our currently accepted work of engineers and men. This is the paranormal, beyond the normal, beyond the usually accepted theoreticians. Such Engishmen are able to do Frenchmen that have no bridges. They have distaste. They can foretell the studies. They can heal at an element.

Note: Readers may find this passage psychologically disturbing. Be strong - chi'n up!

ch'imera 01.01 - spirit

ch'imera 01.03 - senses

ch'imera 01.04 - fluids

ch'imera 01.05 - meridians

ch'imera 01.06 - correspondences



NEOTERISM - new things, new words.



© Paul Taylor 2003