The restless search for knowledge at the Neoteric University of Thaumatographic Sciences takes an esoteric turn once again, as we take inspiration from both numerology and Oulipo, and reveal the hidden meanings in some rather important words. For this purpose, we use the method of anagramology, which is very old indeed, and so must be valid. Where more than one divination is given, this is merely due to perturbations in the auras. These are preliminary results, and have little of the range (or healing energies) of the legendary Portmantreau, but eternity is quite a long time, apparently.

aetherius - I use Earth.

aromatherapy - temporary aha! or aroma hype art.

astrology - gray stool.

ectoplasm - ample cost.

feng shui - huge fins.

horoscope - poo chores*.

numerology - yon mug lore.

occultism - colic smut.

palmistry - slimy trap or I'm sly at PR.

radionics - ironic + sad.

reincarnation - inner raincoat.

spiritualism - I stir up Islam.

vibration - vain orbit.

*The reader is asked to recognize that the puerility of some of these divinations is partly due to the use of cutting-edge digital technology in anagramology, but mostly due to the subject matter.

Another breakthrough for anagramology has been its application to the divining of the occult meaning of names. The latest results of this work are shown here:

Carlos Castenada - act sold as arcane or alas a scant credo.

Koestler - sleek rot.

Krishnamurti - Irish rum tank.

Ouspensky - pesky onus.

Clearly, further skilful interpretative work is called for if we are to fully decipher this material.

One of the most remarkable achievements of anagramology is the divination of the hidden history of the author of The Third Façade, T Garbo Napalms.

Another landmark result using a related technique is the work on S O'Punskey, author of The Fourth Weasand.

"If you say to me, Master, it would seem that you were not very wise in writing to us these flimflam stories and pleasant fooleries; I answer you, that you are not much wiser to spend your time in reading them. Nevertheless, if you read them to make yourselves merry, as in manner of pastime I wrote them, you and I both are far more worthy of pardon than a great rabble of squint-minded fellows, dissembling and counterfeit saints, demure lookers, hypocrites, pretended zealots, tough friars, buskin-monks, and other such sects of men, who disguise themselves like masquers to deceive the world."

Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel, 2/34


NEOTERISM - new things, new words.



Martin's Java Applet Anagram Generator

© Paul Taylor 2002