The application of mathematical ideas to psychological questions is of course not peculiar to Fuller. For instance, in the same year that Nine Chains To The Moon appeared, Kurt Lewin produced his fascinating "Principles Of Topological Psychology", wherein he argues that,

"if we want to derive actual psychological events conceptually, we have to try to represent not only the spatial relationships but also the dynamic ones in a mathematical way." (p.64)

The work of Piaget concerns itself with logico-mathematical experience, as outlined in "Psychology and Epistemology".

More recently, the Churchlands have developed theories of cognition which they term neurocomputational, and which integrate mathematical notions with neuropsychological research.

More recently still, the neuropsychologist William H. Calvin has developed theories expressed in geometrical terms, with hexagonal arrays of neurons. See "The Cerebral Code", and his own web-site:



© Paul Taylor 2001