This learned society, founded by the composer Sarah Collins, meets irregularly in The White Horse Inn in Downton, Wiltshire.

Details of future meetings will be posted here, and enquiries can be made via the email address below.

The next meeting will be on April 8th 2006 at 7.45 for 8pm.

Topic: Can Anything Be Art?

Suggested book: Cynthia Freeland - But is it Art? (Oxford University Press, pb, 2002)

At the inaugual meeting on November 26th 2005, the Society discussed the question:

"Why do we believe in god?"

Paul Taylor was an invited speaker: Summary of his contribution, with references.

He was subsequently appointed the Honorary Philosopher-in-Residence/Absence.

Downton Philosophical Society Rules

Downton Village Website



© Paul Taylor 2006